Rdot 4.0 – Regina, SK LAN Party

More info at: r-dot.org

When: Nov. 16th – 17th, 7pm – 7pm (schedule)
Where: West Harvest Inn (4025 Albert St. South) (map)
How much: $20 with advanced sign up, or $25 at the door
Games: Counter Strike, Counter Strike Source, Warcraft 3, Unreal 2k4, BF 2, and more! Also benchmark and casemod competitions.
Seating: 100

Other Info: The return of R-Dot is coming up with a bang! New staff, new location, more games, more everything! This is going to be our best event ever so you don’t want to miss it! Tons of new things will be happening during this event to make it one to tell your kids about :) Bring on the fraggin and hope to see you there.

Event Info

Time to Arrive: You can start to show up for the event at 7pm, the doors will be open and you can start to grab your spots. If you would like to reserve a spot please contact any staff member and we will make sure that you and your friends get the seating you desire.

Closing Time: The event will end at approximately 7pm on Saturday. You are welcome to leave anytime prior to this, however we will not allow computers to leave the building from 12am Friday night – 10am Saturday morning, unless previously arranged with the staff. This is to ensure the security everyones hardware at the event.

What to bring: You will need your computer and all peripherals. Remember only headphones are allowed, no speakers. Bring a 10′ patch cable and a power bar. We will have extra gear on hand if needed, but we will only have so much. Ensure all the games that you would like to play are installed and patched up to the latest patch levels. Our servers will be patched and ready to go. OS discs and driver cd’s are good to have on hand in case of emergencies.

If you are under 17 remember to bring a signed waiver form from a parent or guardian.

Tournament Times: Friday night will be full of gaming and include a few fun tournaments for prizes. Make sure your rig is up and running previous to tournament times to minimize complications once matches are suppose to start. There will also be a Benchmark and Case-Mod competition held during the event.

Age Restrictions: The event is an all ages event, however we ask that anyone 17 or under that wishes to attend have a parent or guardian sign the waiver prior to the event.

Alcohol and Drugs: Our events are alcohol free and anyone caught with either alcohol or drugs at the event will be escorted out.

Cheating: R-dot LAN tolerates zero cheating. If you get caught cheating, you will be escorted out of the event, no questions asked!

Food and Drink: Energy drinks, water, snacks and other great stuff will be available during the entire event. Prices will be available at the event and everything will be marked very affordable, so remember to bring some extra $ to fill your face.


How to Learn (But Not Master) Any Language in 1 Hour

Secrets Unlocked to learning new languages in a well written highly interesting blog. The guy breaks down the languages like you would an essay or something and gives the the minimum amount of things you need to get good at the language. Check it out!~

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Something to think about, the 10th Dimension

Thinking in the 10th Dimension


How to fix Mouse Acceleration in Windows 7

This is what I did to fix my mouse acceleration, I had so many problems with it but I think I found a solution.

Permanent fix:
Download the fix: http://donewmouseaccel.blogspot.com/2010/03/markc-windows-7-mouse-acceleration-fix.html

How to use it:

Find the display DPI that you currently use:
Click Start, click Control Panel, select Appearance and Personalization, select Display.
See if you have 100% or 125% or 150% selected.

Open the ZIP file at the link above.

Select the REG file that matches the DPI% you use and Double-click it.

Answer Yes, OK to the prompts that appear.
(See below for non-Administrator account use.)

Reboot or Log off to apply the fix (you have to reboot or Log off).

Enjoy exactly 1-to-1 mouse to pointer response!

Minor Fix (gets rid of noticeable acceleration, but it is NOT 1:1)
Step 1:
Disable Enhanced Pointer Precision
Go into Window -> Control Panel -> Mouse
Under Pointer Options
De select enhance pointer precision

Step 2:
Go to Control Panel.
Ease of Access
Ease of Access Center
Click ‘Set up Mouse Keys’
Change acceleration accordingly:
mouse accel

Step 3: (Optional)
At this point your mouse acceleration should be gone, however if it is not gone try disabling vertical sync (vsync) in your game video options.

That worked for me. If anyone has any other ideas please feel free to share them by commenting on this thread!

Windows XP:
Apply the CPL Mouse Fix
The file can be downloaded here: Mouse Acceleration Fix
Unzip the archive and double click on the file inside.


Evolution of the Internet and Web 2.0

The Machine is Us
The Machine is Using Us
A video showing a brief history of the internet and what it is now and how we are the internet.

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Starcraft 2: New Gameplay Video Released

A new video has been released by PCGamer magazine that showcases the new Protoss units which include the Twilight Archon, Soul Hunter, Tempest and Phase Cannon!


Starcraft 2: Rumors – Part 2

New units that have appeared in the PCGAMER article of Starcraft 2.
This badass tempest looks like it will be replacing the dreaded Carrier. It does kind of the same thing except it will be easily destroyed by air units.

High Templar
Our awesome high templar has returned… but this time without his brother in arms the Dark Templar. Atleast with this guy we can expect….

The Twilight Archon!

Reaver’s are back!

The Star Relic looks like the new Arbiter minus everything except for the cloaking ability. It can even cloak buildings and has some super sweet doomsday ability.

Soul Hunter
Anti-Infantry units that “suck the soul out of them”


The ACTUAL new Starcraft II details from PCGamer (with scans)

The previous story posted was missing a lot of information and even incorrect about some. Included is new information such as the previously unannounced return of some Protoss units not seen in the first gameplay video (High templar, Dark Templar, Observer, Reaver) and the announcement of some new ones (Star Relic, Phase Canon, Tempest, and more)

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Mirrored @ puttputt.ca!

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Tom Cruise stars in War of the Worlds 2

War of the Worlds 2
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Stargate Protoss : A PuttPutt Original Series

Stargate Protoss
Inspired by the new Protoss Mothership and the hit SciFi series Stargate Atlantis comes the newest and greatest television show Stargate Protoss. This Sci-Fi drama features the crew of the mother ship’s elite exploration force SP-1 as they travel the galaxy and try to eliminate the Zerg threat. Check out this new series premiering Monday at 8/9 central!