I’m going to be taking screenshots from Starcraft 2 released on the internet and looking closely at them to find new features in Starcraft 2, as well as making fun of them
Don’t get me wrong I love this game, i just like to have some fun!

There were 300 marines, against a million zerglings.
Are these the 300 Spartan Warriors? Are they Human Footmen in battle stance in WC3? Or are they the Terran Marine Corps? I’m not to sure, can someone help me out here?
I think its pretty cool that the marines have shields, I guess they finally realized that a good shield can stop a zerg rush… or can it?
Vroom Vroom! Here comes the fisher-price army tank!

Personally I am not to found of the new Siege Tank design, add some googley eyes and you have Qbert. I have not seen screenshots of it in normal tank mode, if anyone has any let me know.
Tom Cruise stars in War of the Wor…. Starcraft 2

OHH MY GOD WHERE DID THEY COME FROM? Oh wait… its just the Protoss` new unit the Colossus.. For a second there I thought Earth was being invaded. Whew.
Can Protoss structures lift-off too?

I have absolutely no idea what this is… I doubt it is a structure flying… maybe some crazy new protoss nuke dealy… Or i’m just an idiot and can’t see that its something else. Help me out here!
2007-05-21 8:46 – Gotfrag.com tells us that this is the new protoss mothership. It has three abilities. It can stop time, deal a huge amount of damage to ground units and can suck in enemy air units.
Rolly polly explosive Zerglings

Blizzard showed us that the most feared zerg unit just got a little upgrade. They now can mutate into these rolling balls of explosive proportions. They are the land scourge! Anyone know the name of these little beasts?
2007-05-21 8:46 – According to gotfrag.com they are called Bilings.
Pew Pew

Looks like the Protoss have a new air to air unit, could this replace the famous Scout? Did the Protoss abandon Terran technology of bullets and missiles? I hope so.